Nadra Divorce Certificate Procedure in Pakistan

Nadra Divorce Certificate Procedure

The NADRA divorce certificate procedure in Pakistan involves several important steps. After a divorce (Talaq) has been finalized, the husband needs to send a written notice of Talaq to the local Union Council (UC), which then issues notices to the wife for reconciliation. If reconciliation fails within 90 days, the Union Council issues a Talaq certificate.
Once the divorce is finalized, both parties can apply for a NADRA divorce certificate. The process requires submitting various documents, including the Talaq certificate from the Union Council, CNIC copies of both parties, marriage certificate (Nikahnama), passport-sized photographs, and affidavits stating the divorce’s legitimacy.
The NADRA divorce certificate serves as official proof of divorce and is required for legal matters like remarriage, immigration, and property distribution. The certificate can be obtained by visiting the relevant NADRA office or through a lawyer or online services.


In Pakistan, obtaining a divorce certificate from the Union Council involves several key steps. After a Khula or Talaq, the Union Council oversees a mandatory 90-day reconciliation period. If no reconciliation is achieved, the divorce is finalized, and a formal certificate is issued by the Union Council. To proceed, both parties must submit necessary documents, including their NICs, the Nikah Nama, and passport-sized photos. Once the Union Council issues the divorce certificate, it is submitted to NADRA for official registration. NADRA then provides a legal divorce certificate, which is essential for various legal and administrative purposes, such as remarriage and updating marital status in official records.

Steps to Obtain a NADRA Divorce Certificate

To obtain a NADRA divorce certificate in Pakistan, follow these key steps:

1. Initiate Divorce or Khula:

 Start by filing for divorce or Khula.

2. Notify Arbitration Council: 

Send a formal notice of divorce to the Arbitration Council or Union Council.

3. Reconciliation Period: 

Engage in reconciliation efforts for a mandatory 90-day period.

4. Issuance of Divorce Certificate: 

If reconciliation fails, the Arbitration Council issues the divorce certificate.

5. Prepare Divorce Certificate Application: 

Once the certificate is issued, prepare the required documents and application for NADRA.

6. File Application via Lawyer: 

Submit the divorce certificate application to NADRA through a lawyer.

7. Provide Evidence:

 Present any required documentation or evidence.

8. Receive NADRA Divorce Certificate: 

After verification, receive the official NADRA divorce certificate.
This process ensures the divorce is legally recognized and properly documented.

Documents Required:

  • Original and attested Nikkah Nama
  • CNIC copies of both parties
  • Applicant’s CNIC
  • Passport copy (if applicable)

The Importance of a Divorce Certificate in Pakistan:

The importance of a Divorce Certificate in Pakistan cannot be overstated, as it serves as the official legal confirmation of the end of a marriage. This document is essential for personal closure and updating legal and administrative records, such as identity documents and family registries. Without a valid certificate, individuals may face challenges in remarrying, property claims, or child custody issues. Additionally, the involvement of authorities like Nadra and the Union Council ensures the divorce is formally recognized at both the national and local levels, solidifying its legal status and providing individuals with the necessary proof for future legal needs.
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Issuance of Divorce Registration Certificate from NADRA:

The Lahore High Court has directed the Punjab government to create rules for issuing divorce certificates to minorities, including Christians, within 90 days. This ruling followed a case where a Christian woman was denied a divorce certificate by a union council. In the meantime, NADRA will accommodate changes in marital status based on an affidavit as per its Registration Policy, allowing individuals from minority communities to update their CNICs.

Benefits of the NADRA Divorce Certificate

The NADRA Divorce Certificate provides legal recognition of a dissolved marriage, ensuring it is acknowledged by all relevant authorities. As a computerized record, it is easily accessible for verification and necessary for remarriage to confirm there are no legal obstacles.
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